100 $ دلار آمریکا

 (قابل توافق)


نوع : ارائه خدمات
مهاجر :خیر
موقعیت : Warehouse 19, Street 24, Ras Al Khor Industrial Area 1, Dubai, UAE

West Golden Cargo LLC  is one of the best logistics service provider and customs clearance agent in Dubai , UAE with more than a decade of experience in providing the best logistics, freight forwarding, customs clearance and warehousing facilities for the clients. West Golden Cargo LLC is the best service provider any customer can find in Dubai and Jebel Ali ports . West Golden Cargo LLC provides sea, land and road transports from Dubai to ROW and from ROW to Dubai and Iran . We have our own vessels moving from Dubai to Iraq and Iran frequently and is providing the best customer service and best prices in the said field.        

We have partnerships with almost all shipping services and hence can ship even small quantities for your personal or business needs from any country to any country.    

We make imports and exports easy for you and your business . We can assist in source optimization, finding customers for your business, warehousing and much more.   

پیشنهاد قیمت

* شماره تلفن شما فقط به ارسال کننده آگهی نمایش داده میشود.
نوشتن دیدگاه


هنوز هیچ پیشنهادی وجود ندارد.

نکات امنیتی
  1. دیدار با فروشنده در یک مکان امن
  2. اجتناب از معاملات غیر حضوری
  3. مراقب پیشنهادات غیر واقعی باشید
  4. دنیاب هیچ‌گونه منفعت و مسئولیتی در قبال معامله شما ندارد.

روش معامله امن رو مطالعه کنید